Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 8/27/08

Amended and Approved on 9/10/08



Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen, Chair 

Susan Price

Paul Lauenstein, Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan 

Eli Hauser, Clerk  - absent



Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer, Consultant






Chair’s Report

The meeting began at 7:30 PM with Chair Cohen reading the Chair’s Report.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Lauenstein moved to accept the minutes of 8/13/08 as amended.  Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of accepting the minutes of 8/13/08 as amended.


Inclusionary Housing

Mr. Lauenstein reported that the Finance Committee wants a written version of the Inclusionary Housing article and then would comment back to the Planning Board.  A discussion ensued in which Mr. Cohen suggested that Mr. Lauenstein go before the Finance Committee and provide the majority view of the Planning Board regarding IH but state that he disagrees with one issue within the article.  Ms. Sloan stated that if the Town were to pass the article with the Brickstone exemption she would disagree as well. She feels there is a problem with the article and it is not right to go forth with it or to expect Mr. Lauenstein, as a dissenter, to promote the article to the Finance Committee. Mr. Lauenstein stated that he would assist any other member of the Planning Board who would like to bring the Inclusionary Housing article forward, but he felt it would be inappropriate to promote the article and then vote against it. Mr. Cohen suggested that if Brickstone builds within eight years then the exemption would be a moot point.


Mr. O’Cain stated that we are safe from unfriendly 40B developments until March 2009, with Avalon Bay, the Wilber redevelopment to begin soon and the Intoccia agreement to build a 40B development on the Sharon Commons land. Mr. O’Cain also said that the Inclusionary Housing bylaw was created to prevent backsliding. It would help maintain Sharon’s immunity from 40B after Sharon has reached its 10% quota. Mr. Lauenstein commented that he thinks the Brickstone exemption might undermine the town’s ability to enforce an Inclusionary Housing Bylaw with future developers. Ms. Sloan suggested deferring the bylaw. Mr. Cohen reiterated that this would only apply to Brickstone if they built units after eight years.


It was also suggested that Mr. Hauser contact Brickstone to ask them to speak to the Board regarding IH and why they want an exemption.


Mr. Lauenstein said that he will re-circulate the current IH language to all Board members.


Zoning Bylaw Updates

Mr. Lauenstein stated that we need to determine if the sign bylaws should be in the Zoning or General Bylaws. An email needs to be sent to Marlene Chused to determine the status of Dick Gelerman’s review of the situation.




Ms. Levitts and Ms. Sloan had to leave the meeting at 8:40 pm due to personal reasons.


Johnson Drive

Town Engineer Peter O’Cain described the Johnson Drive rezoning application. The applicant Gino Chitvanni owns existing lot ASS-123-S as shown on the Plan of Land dated 6/12/07 prepared by Merrikin Engineering. The original count layout for High Plain Street crosses Johnson Drive. High Plain Street was moved and Johnson Drive was built by the State when Interstate 95 was built. The Town has to maintain the County layout. Only the northern line of Johnson Drive roadway was legally established. The southern line wasn’t recorded with the County. The Town needs to improve the layout of Johnson Drive in order to make this a formal roadway. Five feet will be added to the south of the roadway and the guardrail will then be within the right of way.


A vote at Town Meeting would be needed to layout the revised roadway (and take additional right of way). Also, the northern part of the County layout for High Plain Street would go to the Town-owned lot and the southern part would go to the current applicant and adjacent property owner, Mr. Chitvanni. Town Meeting would also need to vote on whether the Town should sell its lot to Mr. Chitvanni. The applicant is also trying to purchase the adjacent property (which contains a house) from the owner, Sedak, in order to merge the lots.


Mr. Chitvanni wants to create a Business Overlay District, as per the 8/1/08 letter from Merrikin Engineering, in order to build a 16,500 s.f. commercial building. The Planning Board would have to hold a Public Hearing because this is a zoning issue. The Board discussed the current zoning of the property, which is Rural 1, and whether the applicant should create a new overlay district or use an existing business district. The Board discussed the fact that the property also appears to be within the Groundwater Protection District, and how this may impact the type of commercial use on the site.


Bond Approval – Pine Grove Estates.

Mr. Lauenstein moved to reduce the surety total for Woods Way in Pine Grove Estates from $3,000 to $0 and to authorize Town Engineer Peter O’Cain to serve as an agent of the Planning Board and sign and send a letter to Clerk Chused. Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 3 – 0 in favor of the motion.


Other Business

Mr. O’Cain said the Lakeview Street Public Hearing is upcoming on 9/24.  He said that the Selectmen and Engineering Department had a plan and money set aside several years ago for a sidewalk installation project for Lakeview, Livingston and Sturges Street and from Sturges to East Foxboro.


Mr. O’Cain said that Lakeview is a scenic roadway with large trees and some stone walls. He said that, in some places, the sidewalk would need to go behind the trees. Also, he said that according to a County survey, some parts of the roadway encroach on private properties and the Town will seek easements.


The Planning Board discussed alternate types of sidewalk materials.


Next meeting dates

9/10, 9/24, 10/15, 10/29. 11/12


Meeting Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM. Mr. Lauenstein moved to close the meeting and Ms. Price seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.